Altme Wallet : protocols overview ================================= For the interaction of the wallet with Issuers and Verifier, which is a decisive function in the implementation of this type of solution, we have retained the specifications of the W3C Presentation Request as well as the Spruce protocol for the management of the QR Code on a HTTPS transport layer. This protocol has the advantage of being quick and easy to implement while providing most of the necessary functions. There are currently several very promising protocols that are being defined or even in production but these seemed to us too complex and ultimately unnecessary for the current use cases which remain simple. This protocol is described by Spruce: Talao has enhanced this protocol to adapt it to its own use cases (business logic, governance requirements, etc.). This protocol occurs when a user wishes to use his wallet to collect credentials or to present them to access resources. In the following document we will noted the options added by Talao as "Talao build". Collecting a verifiable credential ----------------------------------- Wallet <-> Issuer(server) : A Verifiable Credential (VC) is issued by an issuer and stored by the wallet.** .. image:: issuer2.png Requesting a verifiable presentation ------------------------------------- Wallet <-> Verifier(server) : A Verifiable Presentation (VP) is presented to the verifier by the wallet. A Verifiable Presentation is a Verifiable Credential signed by the wallet(Holder).** .. image:: verifier_cross_device.png Altme Wallet : Credential offer protocol ========================================= Motivation ---------- For holders wishes to engage with Issuers to acquire credentials, there must exist a mechanism for assessing what inputs are required from an issuer to process a request for credential issuance. A manifest is a common data format for describing the inputs a user must provide to an Issuer and the way the VCs should be presented. This draft has been inpired by the Credential Manfifest specification : - output descriptors as labels (name, description) et templates objetcs (label name, description, color,...), - input descriptor to request specific data for issuance, - share link : a way to use the wallet to link to a cloud service (vault, etc), - challenge and domain name to sign a VP, - state (id) to follow the process. Issuer implementation ------------------------ When the wallet makes a GET to the Issuer endpoint, a JSON is returned to the wallet (Issuer GET response): example: .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "CredentialOffer", "id" : "hjhghlkjgljkgjkg", "credentialPreview": {}, "expires" : "2022-09-01T19:29:39Z", "challenge" : "mjh45RT56", "domain" : "", "credential_manifest" : {} } The "challenge" and domain arttributes will be used for DID_auth response or verifible presentation. The "credential_manifest" attribute is used to define the expected display options of the VC in the wallet (outpout_descriptors). id, challenge and domain are optional attributes. The wallet response will be : .. code-block:: JSON { "id" : "hjhghlkjgljkgjkg", "Subjetc_id" : "did:tz:tz1e5YakmACgZZprF7YWHMqnSvcWVXZ2TsPW", "presentation": "vp" } "vp" is a verifiable presentation as a string here. If the credential manifest does not request any vc, a vp "did auth" is signed and sent by the wallet to confirm key ownership. Example of a vp "did auth" : .. code-block:: JSON { "@context": [ "" ], "type": "VerifiablePresentation", "proof": { "type": "Ed25519Signature2018", "proofPurpose": "authentication", "challenge": "lkjhlkjh", "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MktsB3ztEt3BsR3P6pLffDnjZi7DH85wsbp71fAfPk3F6G#z6MktsB3ztEt3BsR3P6pLffDnjZi7DH85wsbp71fAfPk3F6G", "created": "2022-12-14T14:17:33.782Z", "domain": "", "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il0sImI2NCI6ZmFsc2V9..Di0w_VVLzap9jwE2Ny7CU8dHfxY-yZWJzGzVGj7Z4XNSbeJ4aQVLfix3uGqaAjF53Lb166YY6YqwouAjRz-5Bw" }, "holder": "did:key:z6MktsB3ztEt3BsR3P6pLffDnjZi7DH85wsbp71fAfPk3F6G" } Several verifiable presentations are requested in the credential manifest, wallet response will be : .. code-block:: JSON { "id" : "hjhghlkjgljkgjkg", "Subject_id" : "did:tz:tzYakmACgZZprF7YWHMqnSvcWVXZ2TsPW", "presentation" : "[ vp1, vp2, vp3,... ]" } vp1,... are strings verifiable presentation (vp) is a credential bound with nonce if available in the request. This credential includes all the existing profile attributes if wallet holder consents. Altme Wallet : Credential manifest of the credential offer protocol ===================================================================== Credential manifest provide output descriptors with wallet rendering and presntation deifinition. Altme Wallet : Wallet rendering ================================ Wallet rendering is defined by this standard In the wallet card details screen the Title of the card and Subtitle of the card are attributes "title" an "subtitle" from the output_descriptors.display. The accordion "Description" is the description attribute of the same output_descriptors.diplay. The "Informations" accordion of Altme is made up of all properties of the Altme supports type "string" with specific format "email", "uri", "date", hour" and other types as "number", "integer" and "bool". See an example here : .. code-block:: JSON { "output_descriptors":[ { "id": "00000000", "schema": "Test", "display": { "title": { "path": [], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "VC for Test" }, "subtitle": { "path": [], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Type and format" }, "description": { "path": [], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "This VC is made up for testing prupose." }, "properties": [ { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.integer"], "schema": { "type": "integer" }, "fallback": "Unknown", "label": "integer" }, { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.number"], "schema": { "type": "number" }, "fallback": "Unknown", "label": "number" }, { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.bool"], "schema": { "type": "bool" }, "fallback": "Unknown", "label": "bool" }, { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.uri"], "schema": { "type": "text", "format" : "uri" }, "fallback": "Unknown", "label": "uri" }, { "path": ["$"], "schema": { "type": "text", "format" : "email" }, "fallback": "Unknown", "label": "email" } ] } ![Example of a card details screen ]( An example here with output descriptors : .. code-block:: JSON { "id":"PC_01", "issuer":{ "id":"did:tz:tz1NyjrTUNxDpPaqNZ84ipGELAcTWYg6s5Du", "name":"Talao issuer", "styles": { "thumbnail": { "uri": "", "alt": "Talao logo" }, "background": { "color": "#ffffff" }, "text": { "color": "#d4d400" } } }, "output_descriptors":[ { "id": "PCDS_01", "schema": "PCDSAuditorCertificate", "display": { "title": { "path": ["$.name"], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Title fallback" }, "subtitle": { "path": ["$.description"], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Subtitle fallback" }, "description": { "text": "This is an electronic version of a PCDS auditor certificate for testing purposes." }, "properties": [ { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.category"], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Unknown category", "label": "Certificate category" }, { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.familyName"], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Unknown auditor name", "label": "Auditor name" }, { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.certificationDate"], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Unknown certification date", "label": "Certification Date" }, { "path": ["$.credentialSubject.validity"], "schema": { "type": "string" }, "fallback": "Unknown validity", "label": "Certificate validity" } ] } } ], "presentation_definition":{} } Input descriptors ------------------- Input descriptors are used to specify the data or credentials needed to issue a credential. It is a main feature of DIF Presentation Exchange. See for more information. An example here with only input descriptors (EmailPass required to issue a credential) : .. code-block:: JSON { "credential_manifest": { "presentation_definition": { "id": "32f54163-7166-48f1-93d8-ff217bdb0653", "input_descriptors": [ { "id": "emailPass_input_1", "constraints": { "fields": [ { "path": [ "$.type" ], "filter": { "type": "string", "pattern": "EmailPass" } } ] } } ] } } } Example to request any credentials with the attribute birthDate .. code-block:: JSON { "credential_manifest": { "presentation_definition": { "id": "32f54163-7166-48f1-93d8-ff217bdb0653", "input_descriptors": [ { "id": "#765765", "constraints": "fields": [ { "path": [ "$.credentiaSubject.birthDate" ] } ] } } ] } } } Altme Wallet : Presentation request query types ================================================ Motivation ------------- When interacting with a Verifier it is likely that it wants to get a presentation made up of specific VCs. It is therefore necessary to be able to specify to the wallet the conditions to be applied to the choice of VCs. The following specifications are taken from a minimalist interpretation of the [W3C draft]( Verifier implementation -------------------------- There are 2 possibilities to foresee for the value of query.type of the JSON of the GET response of the Verify (“DIDAuth” or “QueryByExample”): .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "VerifiablePresentationRequest", "query": [ { "type": "DIDAuth" } ], "challenge": "a random uri", "domain" : "" } or: .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "VerifiablePresentationRequest", "query": [{ "type": "QueryByExample", "credentialQuery": [ {}] }], "challenge": "a random uri", "domain" : "" } DIDAuth ------- If Query.type = “DIDAuth” , then it is a basic authentication request that does not include a verifiable credential : there is no selection of credential to propose to the user, call the function didkit.DIDAuth(did, “{“ challenge ”:“ .... ”,“ domain ”:“ ..... ”}”, key) which will create an empty presentation used only for authentication. The presentation passed with the POST request will look like this: .. code-block:: JSON { "@context": [ "" ], "type": "VerifiablePresentation", "proof": { "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019", "created": "2021-08-28T16:13:23.740Z", "challenge": "d602e96d-08cb-11ec-a6fa-8d5c53eaebfb", "domain": "", "jws" : "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksiLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdLCJiNjQiOmZhbHNlfQ..PgpEElB1tvcY9tdzK6EDKLvysj3vcH-zg5EIiGpk_q4m0NrAmjA81B7QdVvKllSzzfKw-1oTJuu4b4ihCvMXRwA" }, "holder": "did:ethr:0xee09654eedaa79429f8d216fa51a129db0f72250" } If Query.type ="QueryByExample "then it will take the user selects credentials in a list constituted according to the criteria specified in "credentialQuery.example". Then it will be necessary to call the didkit.issuePresentation (...) function as what is currently done (there is no change in the function call). Refer to for more information. QueryByExample -------------- Overview ''''''''' This is a limited implementation of the Verifiable Presentation Request W3C draft. If "credentialQuery": is an empty list, one keeps the current behavior of Credible. The user is asked to select credentials to send. Never mind the VCs. If "credentialQuery.example" contains {"reason": [......]} then the Verifier wishes to display an information message to the user. This message will be displayed on the wallet at the time of selection. If "credentialQuery.example" contains {"type": "some_type"} then the Verifier wishes to receive VCs conforming to the specified type and the wallet presents a list of VCs consisting only of the specified type. If "credentialQueryexample" contains { "trustedIssuer" : [ {"issuer" : "did:tz2:12343243223"}]} then the Verifier wishes to receive VCs sent by the specified Issuer and the wallet presents a list consisting only of the specified issuer. Nota Bene : - There is one credentialQuery.example for each type of VC requested - By default the credential is required ("required" : "True"), it does not support the other option. - The reason attribute should be analysed as an array of different languages ("fr", "en", ...) QBE Examples ------------- Example 1 Verifier requests VCs issued by did:tz:tz2NQkPq3FFA3zGAyG8kLcWatGbeXpHMu7yk: .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "VerifiablePresentationRequest", "query": [ { "type": "QueryByExample", "credentialQuery": [ { "example" : { "trustedIssuer": [ { "issuer" : "did:tz:tz2NQkPq3FFA3zGAyG8kLcWatGbeXpHMu7yk" } ] } } ] } ], "challenge": "9d0927c1-08cb-11ec-a6fa-8d5c53eaebfb", "domain": "" } Example 2 Verifier requests a ResidentCard: .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "VerifiablePresentationRequest", "query": [ { "type": "QueryByExample", "credentialQuery": [ { "example" : { "type" : "ResidentCard" } } ] } ], "challenge": "9d0927c1-08cb-11ec-a6fa-8d5c53eaebfb", "domain": "" } Example 3 Verifier requests a ResidentCard signed by a specific issuer : .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "VerifiablePresentationRequest", "query": [ { "type": "QueryByExample", "credentialQuery": [ { "example" : { "type" : "ResidentCard", "trustedIssuer": [ { "issuer" : "did:tz:tz2NQkPq3FFA3zGAyG8kLcWatGbeXpHMu7yk" } ] } } ] } ], "challenge": "9d0927c1-08cb-11ec-a6fa-8d5c53eaebfb", "domain": "" } Example 4 Verifier attaches messages for user but no credential criters : .. code-block:: JSON { "type": "VerifiablePresentationRequest", "query": [ { "type": "QueryByExample", "credentialQuery": [ { "reason": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Join a resident card and your driver license" }, { "@language": "fr", "@value": "Joindre une carte de résidence et votre permis de conduire" } ] } ] } ], "challenge": "9d0927c1-08cb-11ec-a6fa-8d5c53eaebfb", "domain": "" } See for simulation and testing. Universal link ================= The AltMe wallet makes it possible to manage the interaction with an issuer or a verifier web application through a QR Code or a deeplink. Depending on the origin of the request, we determine which device is accessing the web application. Access from a desktop viewer ---------------------------- Display a QR Code in the form of https://my_endpoint?issuer=my_did Access from smartphone viewer ----------------------------- Display a button link in the form of If the AltMe wallet is not available in the smartphone, the user is referred to the page which offers him access to the Apple Store or the Google store. Issuers and Verifiers return codes accepted by wallet ==================================================== 200 OK Color : Green Message : No message or Credential presented successfully 201 Created Color : Green Message : Ressource created 400 Bad Request Color : Red Message : Bad request 401 unauthenticated Color : Red Message : The user must authenticate itself to get the requested response. 403 Forbidden Color : Red Message : Unauthorized request. 408 Request Timeout Color : Red Message : Request timeout 412 Precondition failed This is a specific pop up with custom text message 429 : Too many requests Color : Red Message : The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. 500 Internal Server Error Color : Red Message : This is a server internal error. Contact the server administrator. 501 Not Implemented Color : Red Message : Not implemented 504 Gateway Timeout Color : Red Message : The gateway encountered a timeout other code Color : Red Message : Received invalid status code